Upcoming Events

Strategies to Help You Hone & Advance Your Career (Virtual Lunch & Learn)
Join us for an insightful virtual lunch and learn designed to illuminate your career path and propel you toward your professional goals. In this session, you'll gain clarity on your passion and vocation, pinpoint your current position on our Career Journey Ladder, and explore effective strategies for career advancement. We'll also introduce you to essential tools and resources to support your ongoing career development journey, ensuring you're equipped to navigate the path to success with confidence and purpose.

Digging Deep Into Unconscious Bias (Pop-In Class)
Everyone carries mindbugs—what scientists refer to as “ingrained habits of thought that lead to errors in how we perceive, remember, reason, and make decisions.” These errors in judgement are pervasive in our unconscious mind, which controls the vast majority of our decision-making process. This session will engage participants in exploring individual and cultural biases they may hold through context setting and mind activation. Participants will leave with specific strategies for reducing the impact of unconscious bias in their decision-making.

The Power of Unconscious Bias and How to Mitigate It (Pop-In Class)
Everyone carries mindbugs—what scientists refer to as “ingrained habits of thought that lead to errors in how we perceive, remember, reason, and make decisions.” These errors in judgement are pervasive in our unconscious mind, which controls the vast majority of our decision-making process. This session will engage participants in exploring individual and cultural biases they may hold through context setting and mind activation. Participants will leave with specific strategies for reducing the impact of unconscious bias in their decision-making.

Building Community through Psychological Safety (Pop-In Class)
Building community is the process of inviting the gifts and talents of each community member to fulfill the larger purpose of an organization. A flourishing community is one in which its members are fulfilling their purpose in an environment that is welcoming. This session invites participants to reflect on and activate their purpose while working to ignite psychological safety within community.

Mastering the Art of Giving and Receiving Feedback (Pop-In Class)
Feedback is a conversation. It is two or more people convening to uncover what it is about each other’s behavior and work style that is contributing to and inhibiting team performance. It requires equal attention, participation, and skill from both the giver and the receiver. Mastering the Art of Giving and Receiving Feedback is designed to enhance the communication skills of team members, decrease conflict, and improve productivity.

Applying a Racial Equity Lens (Pop-In Class)
This session provides a racial equity framework for participants to explicitly take into consideration racial equity when making policy, practice, programmatic, and budgetary decisions. The racial equity framework helps organizations avoid the unintended consequences of racially biased and discriminatory practices by applying a racial equity lens focused on achieving equal outcomes for people of color relative to their peers.

Creating a Climate that Attracts and Retains Racially-Diverse Talent (Pop-In Class)
Racial diversity, particularly among the most senior positions, continues to elude many organizations. Creating a climate that attracts diverse talent is about creating a climate where people of color feel like they belong. This session walks participants through an inclusive organization framework grounded in organizational development best practice that helps companies better position themselves to recruit and retain staff from racially and culturally diverse backgrounds.

Fostering a Culture of Inclusion and Belonging (Pop-In Class)
Inclusion refers to authentically bringing traditionally excluded individuals and/or groups into processes, activities, and decision/policy making in a way that shares power. This session discusses the ways in which people can be included and excluded within workplaces and communities by exploring Social Group Identity theory and the real and potential impacts on organizations and communities.

Conversations About Race: Beyond the Impact (Pop-In Class)
Conversations About Race provides an opportunity for learning communities to be vulnerable and have an open dialogue about race and race relations through the lens of each individual participant’s experience. This learning experience will allow participants to explore the impact of race on American systems and historically oppressed racial and ethnic groups, and advance a common vision to mitigate racial bias within our spheres of influence.