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Mastering the Art of Giving and Receiving Feedback (Pop-In Class)

Feedback is a conversation. It is two or more people convening to uncover what it is about each other’s behavior and work style that is contributing to and inhibiting team performance. It requires equal attention, participation, and skill from both the giver and the receiver. Mastering the Art of Giving and Receiving Feedback is designed to enhance the communication skills of team members, decrease conflict, and improve productivity.

Our Pop-in Classes are designed to provide your new (or older) team members with meaningful learning sessions so they will be ready to contribute to your organization’s learning culture. While each month’s session will focus on a different topic, attendance in previous sessions are not required. Individual Pop-in Class registrations are non-refundable, but credit can be applied towards another Pop-in Class.

July 28

Applying a Racial Equity Lens (Pop-In Class)

October 6

Building Community through Psychological Safety (Pop-In Class)