The two tensions.
We’re dealing with two muddying tensions in our efforts to make workspaces and broader society more diverse and inclusive. The first tension is DEI fatigue. The second tension is DEI extremism.

Five Ways to Support Employees When Layoffs Are Necessary
No leader wants to face the gut-wrenching task of laying off employees. Yet, the reality is that economic downturns, industry shifts, and organizational changes can make layoffs unavoidable.

The Search for Common Ground
Gary Michael Tartokov said, “There is a civilization searching for its humanity.” We are constantly searching for what can make us more humane. And it’s needed now more than ever.

The State of Leadership
I had the good fortune of taking an extended holiday break to reset as I experienced a major life transition (i.e. I got married!)
As I returned from my hiatus and reflected on the state of leadership in the U.S., it occurred to me that this concept of leadership is little understood.

Putting the Cart Before the Horse Will not Lead to Meaningful Diversity in Government Relations — Especially Under a Biden Administration
From the beginning of time, we learned to crawl before we walked. In more modern times, we learned our ABC’s before we learned sentence structure. Well, today it seems as though we are trying to achieve diversity before we come to terms with why a lack of diversity exists in the first place — our exclusive organizational government relations cultures.

A Framework for a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Statement
At the dawn of “the great racial awakening of 2020”, many organizations released statements announcing their commitments to racial equity and social justice reforms — deploring racism and the system that perpetuates it.

Government Relations Must Evolve: Our Humanity is at Stake
This past July, we hosted the first ever summit on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for the government relations sector. Over a three week-period, we spent time tapping into our humanity as a government relations community, dissecting constructs and having critical conversations about race, privilege, a lack of diversity on and off the Hill, and other salient issues impacting our domain and society at large.