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Conversations About Race: Beyond the Impact (Pop-In Class)

Conversations About Race provides an opportunity for learning communities to be vulnerable and have an open dialogue about race and race relations through the lens of each individual participant’s experience. This learning experience will allow participants to explore the impact of race on American systems and historically oppressed racial and ethnic groups, and advance a common vision to mitigate racial bias within our spheres of influence.

Our Pop-in Classes are designed to provide your new (or older) team members with meaningful diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) learning sessions so they will be ready to contribute to your organization’s DEI culture. While each month’s session will focus on a different topic, attendance in previous sessions are not required. Individual Pop-in Class registrations are non-refundable, but credit can be applied towards another Pop-in Class.

March 20

Community Conversations (Free)

May 26

Fostering a Culture of Inclusion and Belonging (Pop-In Class)